Agriculture and cattle
Mato Grosso - Brazil
Farm in the district of Barra do Graça in the state of Mato Grosso.
The total area is 3580 ha.
Agricultural cultivation is carried out on 600 ha and another 400 ha are in preparation.
The rest is grazing land for cattle.
Two small rivers and various water sources serve to supply water.
27 separate grazing areas for cattle
Horse shelters with separate areas
Separate area with shelter for sheep
2 collection points each with house and hall for machines
Complete cattle paddock
1 main house
1 house for the manager
3 houses for staff
Landing and runway with 1200 meters
Annual rainfall 1800 to 2200 mm
Purchase price in local currency BRL 65,000,000.00 approx. EURO 12,000,000.00