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Luxury pousada in beach front .

Location in Ponta Negra in Maricá - Rio de Janeiro. About 60 km from the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Luxury Pousada Maricá: 3000 m² lot with 3 buildings, main house and two additional apartment buildings, 600 m² constructed area

General Description:

The land on which the pousada is constructed consists of a total of 6 single landplots, of which 4 face the sea and two face the Rua 159.
The total area is 3000 m².
There are 600 square meters constructed area, divided into three structures, one of them being the central house with three floors and 6 bedrooms.
The second side structure has two floors and each floor is a functional apartment with the ground floor comprising two suites and the second floor bedroom and bathroom, both with living room and full kitchen!
The third structure also has two floors, each with 100 square meters.

All documentation ok. The property has a public deed (escritura publica, with RGI – Registro Geral de Imoveis). IPTU payments are current.

Sale: USD 840,000
Whatsapp/Telegram +55 21 98230 9371
Avenida das Américas 18500   Recreio/RJ - Brazil
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