Cattle farm with 1400 ha in Bahia
Breeding and beef fattering
Cattle farm with 1400 ha in Bahia.
The Property is located in a region Morro do chapéu whose soil and climatic conditions are favorable to agriculture and livestock with highlights for coffee cultivation, livestock production, especially beef cattle and / or milk, sheep farming, planting of artificial forests, biofuels production.
Currently the cultivation of vines for the production of wine and the cultivation of olives for the production of olive oil has been the object of research in the
region, conducted by Seagri (secretary of agriculture of the state of Bahia).
Another activity that is being established in the region is the generation of Wind Energy.
Plant Cover: The Fazenda has approximately 80% of the surface area covered by natural vegetation of Arboreal and Arbustive Caatinga with strata composed of native grasses, shrubs and trees (3 to 7 m high), deciduous, with large amounts of thorny plants interspersed with other species such as cacti, bromeliads and lianas.
The remaining 20% are occupied with pastures, roads, facilities and diverse bodies of water.
The pastures are distributed in 05 divisions bounded by barbed wire with 4 wires, all served by water. The pastures are predominantly formed by the forage grasses Brachiaria brizantha and Urucroa in a reasonable state of conservation.
The farm is bathed by the Jacuípe River in an extension of approximately 3.5 km, has 03 intermittent streams that flow into the Jacuípe in the immediate
vicinity of the farm.
Rainfall index – 739 mm / year.
Soils – 20% of alluvial soils in the Jacuípe River valley, approximately 08% of rocky outcrops and 72% of Red Yellow Latosols in the rest of the area.
Topography – It presents flat areas in great part of the property, areas of lower altitude along the river with recesses or paths that expand the valley.
Areas of slopes that confine and connect the valley to the high parts of the board, the undulations are smooth which makes the area predominantly machinable.
The property has infrastructure such as electric power network (Coelba), mobile telephony coverage; located next to paved state highway (BA 052) with collective transportation circulation.
The property is completely delimited and surrounded, is free and clear of liens, litigation or squatters.
Buildings and Constructions:
Central Private home with 3/4, 02 bedrooms, sanitary, kitchen, garage and annex, this is composed of ¼, kitchen with wood stove and bathroom.
Built in a pleasant place, but the property is in need of repairs.
House of manager with 02 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom, served by piped water and electric energy;
Further house with 02 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom, served by piped water and electric power, also in need of repairs/reform.
Price : BRL 2,100,000.00