Real estate and farms in Brazil
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Soy farm in Brazil

Plant 15000 hectare in Soybean

Soybean Farm in Goatins - TO

Total area of ​ 19820 hectares
wide open
Plant 15000 hectares in Soja

Border with the highway

140 km from Araguaina - TO
Border with Maranhao and Piauí

excellent logistics

Clay content above 25%
Altitude 400 m
Rain 1400/1600 mm

The property is sold with complete inventory

Incl.  7000 cattle, machinery etc.

Price: BRL 350,000,000.00 about EUR 64,000,000
Whatsapp/Telegram +55 21 98230 9371
Avenida das Américas 18500   Recreio/RJ - Brazil
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