Farm with natural area 1290 ha
São Francisco do Maranhão - MA
Farm with natural area 1290 ha for eucalyptus cultivation - soy cultivation or cattle breeding
The fazenda is located in the Saõ Francisco do Maranhão district in the Maranhão state in Brazil.
The distance from the city of São Francisco do Maranhão to the fazenda is 42 km.
For the untreated natural area (no buildings or fences) with 1290 hectares, there are projects for the cultivation of soy and the reforestation with eucalyptus.
The area is also interesting for cattle breeding or cattle fattening. The advantage of an undeveloped area is that you
Realize the infrastructure according to your own ideas without investing heavily in renovation work.
It is also possible to provide the area with a CO2 certification and sell it on the CO2 market.
The fazenda is registered and completely measured and marker points are set every 50 meters.
An area of 854 ha can be cleared. The cost of the deforestation comes from the already approved sale
of the wood again at a profit.
The fazendas in the neighborhood are run with cattle or arable farming.
The paved road and the public electricity supply go to the entrance of the fazenda.
The purchase price in the local currency is: R $ 3,850,000.00 which corresponds to approx. EUR 700,000.00.