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Farms and ranches in Bahia,Brazil

A Hub for Agriculture and Industry

Farms and Ranches in Bahia – A Hub for Agriculture and Industry

Bahia is one of Brazil’s most agriculturally and industrially significant states, boasting high-yield farmlands and a diverse production landscape. From coconut and cocoa to cotton, soy, and sugarcane, Bahia plays a crucial role in the country's agricultural economy.
Key Agricultural Sectors
  • Coconut Production: In 2017, the Northeast Region led Brazil’s coconut production, contributing 74% of the national total. Bahia was the top producer, with 351 million fruits harvested.
  • Cocoa Farming: Traditionally, Bahia was Brazil’s leading cocoa producer. Today, it competes closely with the state of Pará for the top position.
  • Sugarcane: In 2018, the Northeast Region ranked third in sugarcane production, contributing to Brazil’s position as the world’s largest producer, with 672.8 million tons harvested that year.
  • Cotton Industry: Bahia is the second-largest cotton producer in Brazil, following Mato Grosso, with 1.5 million tons harvested in 2019.
  • Soybean Production: Brazil produced nearly 120 million tons of soy in 2019, making it the world’s top producer. The Northeast Region contributed 10.7 million tons (9% of Brazil’s total), with Bahia as a major contributor.
  • Fruit Farming: Bahia ranks second in Brazil for fruit production, yielding over 3.3 million tons annually.
Bahia’s Industrial Strength
Beyond agriculture, Bahia’s Petrochemical Complex is the largest integrated industrial hub in the Southern Hemisphere. With R$10 billion in investments, it contributes to one-third of Bahia’s exports and nearly half of the state's industrial output.
Investment Potential
With its fertile land, strong agricultural infrastructure, and growing industrial sector, Bahia offers exceptional opportunities for farm, ranch, and agribusiness investments.
📍 Explore available farms and ranches in Bahia today! 🌾🏡
Cattle farm with 1400 ha
Farm 20 ha - sold
Valença area16 ha
Area 996 hectares
2527 hectares
Whatsapp/Telegram +55 21 98230 9371
Avenida das Américas 18500   Recreio/RJ - Brazil
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